Trinity Lutheran Church


Our Mission:  We are a fellowship of believers in Christ, sustained by God's Word, led by the Holy Spirit and committed to God's vision of caring.

All are Welcome!


Trinity Lutheran Church is equipped with an Elevator.

Trinity Lutheran Church now offers the convenience of electronic giving, with the Simply Giving Program. The Simply Giving Program is a simple, safe and secure alternative to give your offering to the church. You can still use your offering envelope at the service, just write Online Giving on it and pass into plate as usual and your offering is electronically withdrawn from your account. 

We offer our congregation 2 following options:

and return it to the church office, or follow the link below to sign up or edit your account online.


Click on the link below, it will navigate you to a secure site. Once there, fill in your information, then create a user name and password. Once set-up you can edit the amount and frequency of your donation or designate where your money goes.